Western Buddhist


Want to meditate but don’t know where to start? There are many different meditation techniques and traditions out there. Some developed over thousands of years ago and branched out into many new traditions and techniques. 

It can be a bit overwhelming or even daunting for beginners that don’t know which technique/tradition suits them best and where- or how to start. If that sounds familiar you came to the right place.

Here you will learn all about different meditation techniques and traditions. You will find out where- and how to start your practice. This website also aims to give you the tools to continue and develop your meditation practice further. 

Basic instructions

Since the different techniques vary in their instructions, I will only give the basic instructions which are universal for most techniques. 

  1. Sit comfortably with your back straight and your neck long. 
  2. Close your eyes gently, don’t strain the eyelids. 
  3. Relax your body as much as possible. 
  4. Focus on 1 meditation object (breath/bodily sensations/sound/visualization, et cetera…)
  5. As you catch your mind wandering to anything else than the meditation object, gently guide it back. 
The different traditions already vary in these basic instructions. In Za-Zen for instance you don’t completely close the eyes, but you look at a point on the ground. There are more of these differences, but generally these basic instructions apply.

The techniques

The selection of meditation techniques on the website includes:

I haven’t included all the meditation techniques out there, there are simply too many. The most well-known techniques are included- or will be included soon. Try them out, see which one suits you.

Meditate with chakras

Layout meditation pages

I have included seven meditation videos for every meditation technique. They are generally in the following lengths: 5 minutes – 10 – 15 – 20 – 30 – 45 – 1 hour. 

If you’re wondering about the colors included on the meditation pages, they represent the 7 chakras or energy centers. So the shortest length (5 minutes) will correlate with the root chakra (red), all the way up to the crown chakra (purple), which is a 1 hour-long meditation.